15 Jan

In Guantanamo

worth watching. click here.

the most interesting part, however, is the the fact that there are more things they ‘can’t’ film than they can. I understand not allowing the locking mechanisms to be photographed or filmed, maybe even the full security measures they take. But so much of this is clearly shown for propoganda’s sake. Not by the filmmaker, he filmed what he was given, but by the government. Because of course, all detainees are given food, drink, and movies to watch while they are being interrogated. Clearly there is no and never was ANY inhumane treatment of terrorists at Guantanamo Bay. Although…side note, maybe this really IS the truth. Might explain how Osama bin Laden has eluded us for so long.


jack N box

15 Jan

barney stinson, wise man.

how do we get ourselves out of a rut? how do we beat depression? well, there are too many people working on that magic pill for happiness, but if you aren’t a fan of popping pharmaceuticals, you simply much choose to be stronger than you think you are.

In the words of barney stinson (how i met your mother),
“Whenever i’m sad, i just stop being sad and start being awesome. True story.”

Sure, this is easier said than done, but life is not about the end result, it’s about the journey along the way. So is the road to happiness. If you wake up every day and decide to be stronger than you think you are, stronger than the sadness, stronger than your problems, stronger than a failed friendship, relationship, job, etc, eventually, you will be.

Wake up every day and decide to do ONE thing that makes you happy. Sure you can do more than one, but make a decision to do one thing that makes you happy, or one thing that will better yourself. Eventually the chips will fall into place. Just believe in yourself, and believe that you have he ability to make your own happiness. Maybe I sound like a new-wave guru, but all you can do is be stronger than you think you are. Just wake up and start being awesome.

jack N box

15 Jan

reincarnation: an explanation for the inequality among humanity?

I’ve touched on this topic before in other forums, but it is something I have been considering quite a bit lately and thought it best to jot down my ideas yet again.
It started with a question, “why?” Why does it seem that some humans are born with a greater capacity for intelligence than others? Why haven’t we evolved equally? Why are some people born with obvious talent in a certain field, while others are not?
I must preface the rest with the following disclaimer: I am not sure about the idea of reincarnation. I have yet to fully develop my thoughts on the matter of religion: for me, the idea is fluid at the moment. Constantly changing as I explore and learn. However, this is an interesting concept and topic of discussion and there may indeed be some merit to some of these claims.
So I pose the question, “Could reincarnation be an explanation for the inequality among humanity?”


If you believe in the idea of the soul, that the physical body and our ’spirit’ are two separate “things” (for lack of a better word), where does the soul go once our physical bodies have died? For that matter, what is a soul? Does it host our personality? Our dreams? Is there such thing as a “soul mate?” Does the soul “host” our talents?
So where does the soul go? Well, obviously for this post, I am considering that it is reincarnated into another physical body. If this were possible, would the soul retain anything from a previous “life?” Most people have experienced “de ja vu:” a feeling that we have experienced a certain moment before in the past, without being able to pin point that exact moment in our memories. Some theorize that this is because “WE” have not experienced it in our current life, but in a past one. Reincarnation. So how much could our souls really retain? I don’t think, if reincarnation occurs at all, that we retain dates, memories, etc but rather the CAPACITY for intelligence, or an innate sense of CREATIVITY or TALENT that can be passed on from body to body with the soul.
Look at Alexander the Great, and Hitler. Based on the study of their life patterns and personalities, some have theorized that they could, in fact, be the same soul inhabiting different bodies during different points in time. One might consider that some of the history’s greatest artists (painters, sculptors, musicians, storytellers, etc) could in fact be the same soul, expressing themselves differently depending on the time period in which they have “landed.” Some of science’s greatest minds, inventors, philosophers, could be expanding their theories throughout time.


Of course, if one believes in a heaven and a hell, in a christian sense, they would discount the idea of reincarnation. If there are ‘good souls’ and ‘bad souls’ inhabiting the earth, why would God choose to reincarnate the bad souls and give them a second chance, that is what the belief in “hell” is for.
Now I am aware that I have not answered any of my questions, these are questions that cannot be truly answered. However, now you see the point of this blog, to explore ideas, to give my observations on certain subjects. Feel free to comment!
jack N box
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