Posts Tagged ‘internet’

11 Mar

the evolution of stalking: it's a cybercrime.

With every new advance in technology comes a new wave of criminal possibilities. With the increasing popularity of online social networking and the instability of the internet, there is a large constituency of cyber-bullies. Cyber-bullying and cyber-stalking can be extremely detrimental and demoralizing to the perpetrator’s victims. It has the ability to affect their self-esteem, families, work, and in some cases has led to suicide. We have all joked about the ’stalker walls’ aka ‘news feeds’ available via facebook, twitter, myspace, etc. However, the anonymity that the internet can provide leads to a slippery slope in the world of online social warfare. The main message here: Be careful

(the) eye on the fame game: countersurveillance and the online social climber.

(the) eye on the fame game: countersurveillance and the online social climber.

How can you spot online social climbers? Utilize your spy skills with some good old fashioned surveillance. Consider me your source in counterintelligence

how to survive when your cover is blown.

how to survive when your cover is blown.

Hollywood is filled with spies, confidence men (and women), liars, cheats, tricks, thieves, and beautiful people. WSo what happens when your cover is blown? If you’re smart and have done your homework you should be able to stay one step ahead. The best way to stay in control? Blow your own cover

code breaking and social espionage.

code breaking and social espionage.

In the age of social networking, it’s easy to be a social spy. There are stalker feeds everywhere, letting you know the exact mood and location of your “friend” or…”target.” So how do we navigate our friendships via social networking? What are the new codes we have to live by in a technologically savvy world

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