RUMOUR (also spelled “rumor”)- “a story or statement in general circulation without confirmation or certainty as to facts.”
Rumors can be beneficial in the spy world: they can serve to ruin lives (sometimes the cause of infamy) as well as to throw suspicion in another direction. With most rumors, as with ALL lies, there is generally a grain of truth; you just have to know how to spot it. If not a grain of truth, a contradiction. Rumors can be extremely helpful because when tracking down a suspect, sometimes you have to follow the whispers in the air. This post will help you separate the truth from speculation. Remember, as a spy, the only rumors about you that you want in circulation are the rumors you started yourself.
A good example of how rumors are helpful to a spy can be found in the world of celebrity. Celebrities are notorious for trying to throw the press/paparazzi for a loop and as the old adage goes, “any press is good press” (a point to be debated at a later time). As the press are, in fact, a type of spy; a true reporter knows how to separate truth from fiction in order to avoid spreading false information, which could potentially soil their reputation. One of the easiest ways to determine whether a rumor is leaning towards truthful side, is to track the source of it’s inception. Not to say that any one source is more reliable than the next; it is just as easy for the celebrity themselves to say they’re doing one thing and really be doing another, as it is for a close friend or “celebrity blogger” to spread a lie. In such a case, you judge the validity of the statement (be it verbal, tweet, status update, press release) based on your own educated guesstimation of the celebrity personality in question. If the first inclining of a story pops up on a celebrity blogger site, judge by the validity of their past stories.
Once you have tracked down the source of the rumor, you want to determine where the grain of truth lies. So you bait the source with a question that doesn’t ask them to directly confirm or deny, but rather entices them to answer and let down their guard enough to give away further information. If you do this with enough people surrounding your target, eventually a picture closer to the truth will emerge.
One thing you definitely want to avoid in your life as a spy is leaving a trail of rumors that you had nothing to do with. Since there is truth buried somewhere deep within every lie, having unexplained rumors out there makes it easier for a) your cover to be blown or b) fueling an enemy with the means to track you down or worse, take you down. So how do you avoid the rumor mill? One way is to not do anything worthy of enough controversy…but then how fun would life be? You surround yourself with positive, like oriented people and try to remain in the background. Another course of action to obviate the spread of shameful lies: Always have a rumor floating around. This may seem contradictory, however, sometimes the best way to avoid one path, is to take a parallel one. People on the outside are less likely to start a rumor if there is already one in current circulation…and this way you have control over what information is out there.
Even seemingly “perfect” people have rumors spread about them (most often started by a jealous rival), so what do you do when one is started about you and it simply isn’t true? Honestly, nothing. Refer to the first section of this post, TRACK AND BAIT. You never want to slip up and give away more information than is already out there. Once you respond to a rumor it gives fuel to its supporters. If you respond to ‘deny’ the rumor, the initial lie will branch off into sections and grow into sub-lies. The only time you should ever respond to a rumor, is if you are going to CONFIRM it as being the truth.
Everyone has secrets. Everyone has something in their lives that they are ashamed of. These are the weaknesses that will be exploited by the jealousy, hurt, or anger another person feels towards you. It is easy enough to say “don’t let it bother you” but it is human nature to be bothered when our secrets are let out. Secrets belong to us, they are personal, an extension of who we are. Relationships grow from there being enough trust in one another to reveal these secrets, so when they are, let’s say prematurely ejaculated into society, we feel violated. When rumors are true, we feel violated and our first instinct is to deny, deny, deny, and fight back. Learn from history or watch a damn movie….this method always backfires. I think the message here is: Violate yourself with a lie before someone else can expose the truth.